Friday, December 28, 2012

The Lord Can Move Babies!

Have you heard the expression, "The Lord can move mountains?" Well, my new motto is, "the Lord can move babies!"

We are pregnant with our 4th baby and my husband has been saying for months that he believed this baby was breech. I didn't necessarily agree, but Jason was fairly convinced of it based on earlier ultrasound photos and, as he puts it, the way I described this baby's movements were vastly different from those of our previous pregnancies (for instance, I would always talk about their toes tickling my ribs and I had never mentioned that with this baby). Two weeks ago, I went in for an exam with the doctor. I was almost 37 weeks and, after trying to find the baby's head, she agreed that the baby was most likely breech. We had an ultrasound to confirm and it showed that the baby was not only breech, but in a transverse lie (He was in a "u" shape with his head and his feet up). His positioning seem to indicate that the chances of the baby flipping were very slim.

This news was very discouraging to me as I was nervous and sad about a c-section when my previous births had been so easy and wonderful. Also, his "complicated" position added to worry of future pregnancies since it would not be a typical c-section. I went back to the doctor at 38 weeks and she and I talked at great length about the upcoming procedure. We talked about the surgery, the risk for future children, the lengthy hospital stay, the recovery process, and the overall health of the baby. It was not in my plans or dreams for this baby, but I was trying my best to stay positive.

After our conversation, she quickly tried to feel the baby's head, but couldn't! She did a quick exam and said she thought the baby had flipped, but sent me to ultrasound to confirm. It had! Our little boy was head down and feet up in his "ready to go" position! I burst out into tears and couldn't stop thanking God. We had prayed and prayed for him to flip, but all the while, I didn't think he would. Not that the Lord couldn't do it (because obviously He did), but more because I just assumed I had a lesson to learn in all of this and I was trying to figure it out. As I was driving home, the weight of everything came on me as I realized that it was the Lord who truly flipped this baby. I'm 38 weeks and while some babies do flip this late in the game - it is rare. He also was laying sideways which might have meant an underdeveloped lower uterus. The complications seemed to be piling up and it became clear the baby flipping was extremely unlikely, but it happened. The Lord truly can move mountains babies! 

After some of the discussions we had, this seems almost miraculous for my husband and I. The Lord moves mountains and, I believe, He did so with us! Thus my new motto was born: The Lord Can Move Babies! I began to think about my husband and his personal walk with the Lord... I asked God to show me what mountains my husband has in his life. What "baby" needs to be flipped for him? What in his life would he benefit from experiencing a complete turn around? As I wait on His specific answers, I am praying with passion that any mountain (or baby) that is in my husband's life will be moved by the Lord! He can do it!

Will you join me in this prayer for your husband as well?

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