Sunday, December 16, 2012

Love Wreath

Last year I found a blog with instructions on how to make a wreath that also serves as a Christmas card holder. The moment I saw it, I knew I wanted to make it. The instructions seemed simple enough and I had all the necessary supplies. Quickly I got to work, but it didn't take long for me to realize I was in over my head. For starters, it required spray painting a bunch of clothes pins and I had never used spray paint before. I also didn't realize how physically challenging it was (for me) to bend a wire hanger into an even circle shape. Not long into the project, I enlisted the help of my husband!

Jason helped me out as needed all while giving me tips on how to spray paint and what tools were best. I enjoyed working on it with him, but one night when he was at work I texted to ask him about our project because I was going to finish without him. He texted back with, "Don't touch anything until I get home." His text wasn't a command or a derogatory statement, but one in which he was lovingly asking me not to do anything because he knew I wouldn't be able to complete it without harming myself or our wreath. I remember laughing out loud as I read his text. He got home that night close to midnight and there I was awake waiting for him. We stayed up late working on the wreath together. I was holding it in place while he was securing the circle and we both were laughing.

My Love Wreath! :)
Recently, we hung up that wreath and I couldn't help but feel romanced just looking at it. I nicknamed it my "love wreath" because it is a physical reminder of my husband's love for me. I remember how he sacrificed his time to help me with one of my projects. Now that Advent has rolled back around, I look at it every day and want to thank him each time I see it.

It makes me wonder how many other visual reminders I have around that I overlook. My wedding ring, a photo of the two of us, our children running around, or a household project we worked on together. Do I look at these things and take the time to remember the love behind them? Love is a commitment and not a feeling and so I don't need to look on these things in order to feel loved by my husband, but if I took the time to notice them would it help me appreciate him more and focus on the positive? I have physical reminders all over... I just need to pay attention!

What visual evidence do you have of your husband's love for you?

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