Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Lights.

We were blessed with incredible weather earlier this week and so my husband and I spent some time outside putting up Christmas lights. We were standing out front talking about strategic light placement when two teenage girls walked by. They looked at us, smiled, and kept walking. I don't know what they were thinking when they saw us, but it reminded me of when I was a teenager and couldn't wait to get married. I would see married couples outside working on their house and I would imagine how great that would be. I would see couples driving together on holidays and I would imagine what their day would be like and when would it be my turn to visit family with my husband. I was a silly girl, but it was fun! The thought of being married gave me butterflies and I imagined how romantic the daily grind would be.

great reminder!

Fast forward several years. I am now 30 years old and have been married 8 years this month. I love my husband and I love being married, but I can't say with absolute conviction that I appreciate married life in the way someone who isn't married dreams about it. Do I cherish every moment? Do I consider it a daily gift when we talk about schedules or getting the oil changed? Do I relish in putting up Christmas lights or hanging picture frames around the house? Not always. I want to strive to keep the perspective that someone out there - either a teenage girl or a single woman - is dreaming, wishing, and praying for a chance to be in a healthy marriage, to have someone to talk about their day with, and help them hang Christmas lights. I need to be more thankful for the small details that make a marriage... a marriage!

I remember a few years back when my husband and I were struggling with infertility and I dreamed of the day I had little clothes to wash. Today, with three and half little miracles running around my house, I do at least two loads of their laundry a day. I love doing their laundry and it has always been something I cherish because I remember wondering if I would ever have children's clothes to wash. Can I apply that same mentality to my marriage? Can I think back to that teenage girl who just wanted to be married and smile as I appreciate all that I have. Can I cherish each "daily" conversation. Each grocery run (which is my least favorite chore). Every day with my husband is a gift. Marriage is a gift. Do I appreciate it or take it for granted?

Will you join me in praying for a greater appreciation for and understanding of the unique privilege it is to share your life with someone?   

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