Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Two Minute Challenge

Do you ever find yourself with so much to do, but you have very little time to accomplish each task? That's me! I'll look over my "to do" list and realize that I never seem to have the time or the energy to complete a project and so it seems I am rarely crossing things off of my list. This predicament  usually hinders me from investing in my husband.

I know that it would help him if I cleaned out my car or put his tools away in the basement, but I never have the time or energy to accomplish those tasks so they keep getting pushed back. Or, I will think about writing him a love note or putting on a "spa night" in our bedroom one night after the children go to bed, but again... between a depletion of energy and time (and in some cases, such as the love note, lack of brain cells to formulate a clear thought, ha) they continue to get pushed back to my "one day" list.

I came to accept this as my reality and figured it was a normal part of this stage of life and so I never thought of trying to find a creative solution. Then, the two minute challenge revealed itself to me. About a week ago, I put the children down to bed and had hit my limit... I was finished for the day. I couldn't think about doing anything else around the house despite the fact the dishes needed to be done. They were just going to have to wait until the morning. I quickly went downstairs to make myself a cup of hot chocolate to take with me to bed. Just like every evening, I filled up a coffee cup of water and put it in the microwave for two minutes. Deciding I didn't want to sit still for two minutes, I began to tackle the dishes with the knowledge that I was not going to complete anything. Just a head start for the next day. I was, after all, only going to devote two minutes to the task.

Then... surprise! I unloaded and reloaded all the dishes before my hot chocolate was finished! I couldn't believe it! It had taken me less than 2 minutes. I was shocked to say the least! I never, ever would have thought that doing the dishes would have taken such a short amount of time. Imagine all that I could actually accomplish if only I buckled down to complete the tasks. Sure, some things might take longer than 2 minutes, but almost all wouldn't take as long as I assume they would.

I have decided to make myself take a two minute challenge at least twice a day. Once a day, I will focus on making progress on a chore around the house... keeping in mind that I only need to dedicate 2 minutes to said chore. The other two minute challenge will be dedicated to my husband. I will put forward at least two minutes in writing him a love note, planning a special evening, helping him with one of his goals, or making a grateful list of all the things I appreciate about him. No matter how brain dead I might feel, I can focus for two minutes.

I'm hoping that by implementing this challenge into my daily life, I will be much more productive around the house and will be able to take all my ideas for being an excellent wife and actually putting them into practice! Moving my ideas from simply thoughts to reality is going to be exciting and fun... for both me and my husband!

Will you join me by adding the 2 Minute Challenge to your life and marriage as well? 

By the way, a quick family update! Our 4th child was born on January 4, 2013. His name is Asa Joash and he is simply amazing. To read more about his name, you can view that story on our family's blog. We appreciate all the thoughts, prayers, and well wishes sent our way. We are enjoying this adjustment period and are so thankful for our family!

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